Information that you provide as a user through this website is protected in the terms of this Privacy Statement.
By using this Website, you are agreeing to the use of your information as described in this Privacy Statement.
Operations, management and technical procedures that are carried out in an automated or non-automated manner that will enable the collection, storage, modification, transfer and other actions on personal data, are considered as processing of personal data.
Regulatory compliance
HIBERUS TECNOLOGÍAS DE LA INFORMACIÓN, SL informs users abou our privacy statement and data protection of users. This data may be collected by browsing or contracting services through this website.
HIBERUS TECNOLOGÍAS DE LA INFORMACIÓN, SL (owner of this website), guarantees the privacy of collected personal data. We have adopted security measures to avoid any alteration, loss, unauthorized access or treatment. Our aim is to guarantee the integrity and security of Personal data, in accordance to the Royal Decree 1720/2007 of December 21st , which passed the Regulations for the development of Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13th on the Protection of Personal Data and others enforcing regulations, setting necessary technical means to prevent any alteration, loss, unauthorized access or misuse of processed data.
Hiberus Tecnologías de la Información, SL will not be liable for any personal data incident, if it is the result of an attack or unauthorized access to our systems. It is impossible to detect it by our security measures or when it is due the user’s lack of due care regarding passwords or own personal data.
The user guarantees that the personal data he provides is correct and he is responsible for notifying any change to it. The user will be liable for any damage that may affect Hiberus Tecnologías de la Información, SL.
Please let us know any variation that may occur in the information provided by sending an email to info(@)hiberus.com.
Children's privacy protection
We understand the importance of protecting children's. The purpose of this Website is not obtaining information about underage people. It is not our policy to intentionally collect or maintain information about anyone under the age of 14. We follow instructions of the Spanish Agency for Data Protection and European General Regulation of Data Protection. If we detect any underage user, we reserve the right to request for a copy of its ID or equivalent document.
Adding personal data to files of Hiberus Tecnologías de la Información, SL. Files, purposes and treatment.
Hiberus Tecnologías de la Información, SL informs users that all personal data provided through this Website, including the IP address, will be added and processed in files owned by Hiberus Tecnologías de la Información, SL. This privacy statement is under the name of "General customer file" aimed for commercial purposes; "General file of candidates" aimed for recruitment processes and "Marketing file" for commercial, promotional and informative actions associated to the contact data (email).
Prior to sending any request for information through any contact form on this website, as a user you must accept and read this privacy statement and terms of use, in order to consent the treatment of your data for the purposes indicated in this privacy statement. Such consent consists of:
La incorporación de sus datos de carácter personal en los ficheros de datos personales notificados por Hiberus Tecnologías de la Información, SL al Registro General de la Agencia Española de Protección de Datos.
El acceso por Hiberus Tecnologías de la Información, SL a los datos que, de acuerdo con la infraestructura de esta web, se precisen para contactar con usuario, administrar comentarios en el blog, validaciones o recomendaciones en redes sociales y/o enviarle el boletín de noticias de Hiberus Tecnologías de la Información, SL
Adding your personal data in the personal data files notified by Hiberus Tecnologías de la Información, SL to the General Registry of the Spanish Data Protection Agency. Access to this data
Access to this data by Hiberus Tecnologías de la Información, SL, in accordance to this website structure, so we are able to contact users, manage comments in our blog, send newsletters and validations or recommendations on social networks.
Email communication to answer your queries and provide information.
Periodic web analysis for statistical purposes based on data provided.
Because of your registration and interaction through this website, you can collect and store the following personal information:
- Name, address, email and contact information.
- Data about your activities on this platform
- Your comments on our blog, talks and web ratings
- Electronic communications you might send or data about your queries. • In the event of requesting information whereas international data transfer is needed, you accept this Privacy statement. Always we try to use tools that meet the European legal guidelines.
We will not use your data for any other purpose which is not stated in this privacy statement. Exercise of rights. At any time the user can change his/her preferences about commercial shipments, exercise of rights in relation to access, correction, cancellation and opposition which are included in the Organic Law of Protection of Personal Data, by means of a written communication addressed HIBERUS TECNOLOGÍAS DE LA INFORMACIÓN, SL to the address of Calle Bari 25 Duplicado, 50190 Zaragoza; or via e-mail addressed to info (@) hiberus.com. In both cases, the user must send a copy of his ID, passport or other valid document.
You can also use models and forms to exercise these rights in the portal of the Spanish Agency for Data Protection.
In addition, if you do not want to receive information by email, you can exercise your cancellation and opposition right and by requesting the cancellation of the service by email.
Access right means that you have the right to obtain information about whether your personal data is being processed according to our statement and origin of this data. To exercise this right, you don’t need to justify it, unless you did so in during last twelve months. In case of exercising your access right, Hiberus Tecnologías de la Información, SL is legally obliged to resolve on access request within a maximum period of one month from the reception of the request, being denied access and passing it to the Data Protection Agency because of having exercised such access for the period of previous twelve months, or because it is foreseen in a national or EU rule.
Correction right means that you have the right to modify inaccurate or incomplete data, so you need to tell us what data you are referring to and the correction to be made by providing support documentation. We will have to make the correction within a period of no more than 10 working days and we can only deny it by justifying it with a reason and Data Protection Agency will be the one that will manage the exercise of this right.
Cancellation right means that you have the right to delete inadequate or excessive data. We will have to make the correction within a period of no more than 10 working days and we can only deny it by justifying it with a reason and Data Protection Agency will be the one that will manage the exercise of this right.
Opposition right of means that you have the right not to process your personal data. We will have to make the correction within a period of no more than 10 working days and we can only deny it by justifying it with a reason and Data Protection Agency will be the one that will manage the exercise of this right..
In relation to these rights (access, rectification, cancellation and opposition) and their processing of data through social networks channels, we consider the following:
- Access is defined by each social network and information access is denied by each network’s configuration that you may have.
- Rectifications can only be made in relation to information that is under our control, such as comments on our social network profiles.
- Cancellations or oppositions can only be made in relation to information that is under our or your control. As a user, you can always control your connections, delete contents or shared information.
- According to law changes and updates we will change this information to adapt to new directives and EU regulations in this concern.
Security Measures Applicable to the Processing of Personal Data.
- 1st.- Security Level: According to data required by users, Hiberus Tecnologías de la Información, SL applies basic safety level measurements, described in R.D 1720/2007.
- 2nd. - Application scope of Organizational Security and technical measures: Hiberus Tecnologías de la Información, SL states that it applies organizational security measures and techniques said in this privacy statement.
- 3rd.- Security Document: Hiberus Tecnologías de la Información, SL states that it has a Security Document in accordance with the art. 88 RD 1720/2008.
- 4th. - Duties Document: Hiberus Tecnologías de la Información, SL states that it has a Duties Document in accordance with the art. 89 RD 1720/2007.
- 5th. - Incident Record: Hiberus Tecnologías de la Información, SL states that it has a Incident Record in accordance with the art. 90 RD 1720/2007.
- 6th .- Access Control: Hiberus Tecnologías de la Información, SL declares that it meets the following access control:
i. Keep an updated list of authorized users
ii. Enable access solely to authorized functions assigned to each user.
iii.It establishes mechanisms that avoid access to data or resources with rights other than those authorized. iv. Access permissions are granted solely to authorized personnel. - 7th.- Identification and Authentication: Hiberus Tecnologías de la Información, SL declares that it meets the following identification control:
i.Identification or authentication is personalized.
ii.There is a procedure for password allocation or distribution.
iii.Passwords are confidential (or solely known by the user). iv.Passwords are changed at least once a year. - 8th .- Support manager: Hiberus Tecnologías de la Información, SL declares that it meets the following support manager control:
ii.It has established a labelling system according to the inventory system to enable identification of the type of information containing. iii.Storing authorized media in a restricted access location.
iv. Establishing a regime of outputs authorization of media facilities, including outputs through e-mail.
v. Adopting measures to ensure confidentiality and security of personal data during transport and disposal of media. - • 9th.- Backup: Hiberus Tecnologías de la Información, SL states that it has a backup system that ensures the recovery of information and taking due care of its operations.
- 10ª.- • 10th. - Non-automated files: Regarding documents with data from a personal nature, Hiberus Tecnologías de la Información, SL has adopted the following measures:
i.Maintains documentation in cabinets with security systems.
ii.During the revision of documents, the person in charge must be diligent and guard it to prevent unauthorized access.
iii.If a transfer of documentation needs security measures that prevent loss or access by third parties to such documentation. - 11th Hiberus Tecnologías de la Información, SL Personnel: Hiberus Tecnologías de la Información, SL has duly communicated these obligations exposed to its staff, ensuring compliance with applicable regulations.
We store user’s personal data on secure servers, protected against the most common attacks located in Spain.
However, since there is no invulnerable technology, the user must also take due care about the level of security of his data, by using strong passwords, periodic modification of his passwords, avoiding using the same ones every time, as well as avoiding noting them in paper
Hiberus Tecnologías de la Información, SL uses technologies adapted to current state of the art, to protect its data and personal information, seeking the strictest confidentiality and application of technical tools and organizational information security (passwords, physical security, encryption Data, etc.) that correspond according to the enforcing legislation, as well as maintaining updated security documentation.
Transfer of data to third parties.
Hiberus Tecnologías de la Información, SL informs users that their personal data will not be transferred to third parties or organizations, except if there is the legal obligation to do so or when the provision of the service implies the need for a contractual relationship with treatment service providers. In the latter case, only the transfer of data to a third party will take place when Hiberus Tecnologías de la Información, SL has the consent of the user and has a contractual relationship with the liable processor for ensuring its confidentiality and compliance.
If Hiberus Tecnologías de la Información, SL is required by the competent authorities may provide personal information to respond to legal requirements, criminal investigation of possible illegal activity or claims that claim that a content infringes the rights of third parties. In such cases, Hiberus Tecnologías de la Información, SL may provide personal information such as name, city or province, zip code, telephone number, e-mail address, user tracking and IP address to the competent authorities.
If Hiberus Tecnologías de la Información, SL is absorbed or merged with another entity, we undertake to agree to the subrogation and commitment of the new management entity responsible for the processing of personal data for the continuation of this Privacy statement, the User must be notified in advance.
Ceding third-party data
We remind users that when we talk about data we also talk about people image files. The personal image is a data protected by the regulations (Article 5.1 of the Regulation of development of the LOPD). No one can use it without the express consent of the person who appears on it.
As a user, you acknowledge that you will be responsible for keeping Hiberus Tecnologías de la Información harmless from any possible claim, fine or penalty that you may incur because of your failure to comply with the duty described.
In case we provide personal data of other people, you must do so with your consent and informing previously.
Blog and social networks
Data entered into forms to make comments in the blog of this web can be read by third parties. If you make comments on the Hiberus Tecnologías de la Información, SL blog you assume its visualization and information provided.
Hiberus Tecnologías de la Información, SL actively works on social networks: Twitter, Facebook, Google +, LinkedIn and YouTube with the main purpose of publishing and disseminating information about services provided through the website and its various divisions.
In case you access this web using an application that connects a social network with this web, it is authorizing the social network to share some data with Hiberus Tecnologías de la Información, SL. It is important to know that if you have geolocated your accounts in social networks, your location will be visible to third parties with whom you share.
We recommend that you consult the privacy statements of each social network to ensure your privacy and security.
Here we link the privacy policy of the social networks in which we have open profile at this moment:
In the "Cookies Policy" link we inform you that this website of Hiberus can use cookies (small files of information that the server sends to your computer) to carry out certain functions that are considered essential for the correct Operation and visualization of the site, to share in social networks and, in some cases, to perform analysis of evaluation statistics and proposals for improvement.
In order to know more about our Cookies policy you can read it in our site and if you want to know more about them you can visit this site: https://www.aboutcookies.org/
Hiberus Tecnologías de la Información, SL may modify or amend this Privacy Statement from time to time at our discretion. When we make changes to this Statement, we will amend the revision date at the bottom of this page
Last revised:05/05/2016.